Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Security in the Idea of Snacks

Funny tidbit: I missed a photo update last week and was eager to add one today. It's hilarious how much bigger I look today than I did on 1/18. I must have been sucking it in on the 18th.

I packed a bit light today, totally forgetting to pack snacks. No apple, no trail mix, no almonds, nuthin. As I got a hair hungry around 3, I almost panicked at the thought of having nothing healthy to eat. Pretty bizarre. Having a dusty pack of trail mix sitting in my drawer would have probably persuaded me to abstain. Having nothing made me crave for donuts, chips, etc.

I'm really missing my workouts, and my foot is taking its sweet time to recover. That's all I got, folks.

Food Log:

South Beach bar - 4
yogurt - 2

gumbo - 9
baked Lays - 4
cottage cheese and blueberries (rad combo) - 2

gumbo - 9
mac 'n cheese - 8
salad w/ oil and parm - 4
peach crisp - 3
chocolate popsicle - 3



  1. So the moral of the story is to get some snacks in your work desk that aren't dusty and packaged in 1982. Way to push through the day with no snacks.

  2. Finally able to catch up on reading your blog. You're doing great! Glad you enjoyed your birthday week and hope your foot mends soon.
