Monday, February 21, 2011


So I've determined that pizza is about the worst food one can eat while dieting. It must be the sodium and binding agents that keep the weight elevated for days. My weight has been heading in the wrong direction, and while I'm confident it will drop, I must confess I'm getting nervous. Not only am I falling pretty far behind, but the carbs in that pizza has my hunger raging out of control. Must control my appetite! Must really control my post-workout appetite!

Well, I got some photos back from the hike this weekend, and it's reassuring to compare my present form to that of my December body. Remember, it was that hike in late 2010 that got me juiced for my diet. Check out the difference:



Now, it's a bit apples and oranges. Shetland wool does not a svelte appearance make. And lycra really doesn't add any pounds.

Food Log:

yogurt - 2
South Beach bar - 4

spinach and fettuccine alfredo Smart Ones- 7
Crackerful - 4
snack bar - 4

bourbon - 6

soup - 2
beef and bird sandwich - 11
mashed taters - 3
cheese cake - 5


1 comment:

  1. Dammit, man, here I was comforting myself with the fact that I still weigh less than you, and you post a picture of yourself looking like some kind of rockclimbing Adonis.

    Time to hit the gym.
