Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I Think I'm Panicking

It's really not an option for me to fail at losing 30 pounds. This will happen. I'm starting to think I can't accomplish it in 90 days, though. I'm well behind the curve. What happened to those 2+ pound losses overnight? I guess this is the plateau people foretold. Still, I have to think with some epic workouts and a clean diet I can make up the time. Another couple weeks like this, though, and 90 days will probably turn into 120. Ugh.

This is the probably the time when I need the most encouragement from my readers. Wait...I don't think they exist anymore. Just a week after the costume ideas escalated to a point of madness, people have all but forgotten what is on the line. I mean, I posted my workout goals Sunday, and there have been zero costume instructions. Woe is me.

At least there's Adam. Adam, who has fought through flu, vomitous kids, and barren energy stores, has left me regular comments. Any man who calls me an Adonis deserves his own paragraph. Adam, I thank you. And as far as the Thor the Mountainclimber goes, those pictures are a lesson in smoke and mirrors. Let's start with the backpack. The waist belt of the pack beautifully tucks away my love handles. The black lycra shirt? Well, it does a great job of optically smoothing the topography of my man-boobs. And yes, the above-shot photograph lessons the doublyness of my chin. Still, I think we can see some real improvement.

Food Log:

turkey sausage, egg, and cheese muffin - 6

fettuccine alfredo Smart Ones - 6
Crackerful - 4
snack bar - 4


roast beef, cheese, horseradish mayo sandwich - 12
baked Lays - 4
cheesecake - 5

Snack :



  1. Okay, Kristy pounced on Sunday's post as I was writing today's. The challenge has been issued. Read her comment for details.

  2. I'm still with you. You can do this! Ima email ya with a couple of thoughts to get re-jump-started, since I am obviously a weight loss expert, having lost the same lbs over and over and over!:)

  3. This probably doesn't fall quite within the spirit of your quest, but keep in mind that if you can get within 4-6 pounds you could probably sweat that off on the final day if you absolutely had to.
