Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Shoutout to Jen Noble!!!

It's been thirty days. I've hit the first milestone signifying the first third of my journey is complete. At this point I had hoped to lose 10lbs. If you notice the statistics on the left, I'm down exactly 9.8lbs. Not bad.

I'd like to give a formal shoutout and "thank you" to Jen Noble. Jen has been my most consistent commenter, and it's nice to know at least one person is reading this babble.

Sucked it up and used both crutches and the boot today, and I must say my foot is feeling a bit better. Surprisingly, I actually think it's easier (and faster) to use two crutches. The problem is it's affecting my productivity at work. Instead of jumping out of my seat to confer about something, serious, well thought out plans and schedules must be made before I venture out of my office. I try to condense as much activity into one trip as possible, simply to reduce the number of trips. Why? It's tiring, and I'm sick of explaining my inexplicable injury.

As far as food goes, I've come to find that the quantities I'm eating are satisfying. In the past, it felt like I was starving myself. The only torture I live with now is knowing that I can't, on the spur of the moment, order a large, sweaty pizza. I'll make 200lbs, this is not in doubt. It's just going to be a boring trip.

Food Log:

turkey sausage, egg, cheese bagel - 6

2x chix sausage - 6
cheetos - 5
Fiber One bar - 4

trail mix - 10

bunch of sushi - 18



  1. Sorry bro, didn't bring my electron microscope today, so i can't tell it's 9.8 vs 10 lbs on the micro-minigraph, I'll have to take your word for it. Been lurking on here but obviously not commenting, congrats on the first 10 keep up the good work! One idea I had you might be able to use once the foot's healthy to keep things interesting and motivation high, was to set a work out goal for the week and whether or not you meet the goal determines the attire for your weekly status pics. Work out on schedule and stick with the maroon effect, blow off workouts and it's UVA blue and orange, preferably with cav man on it(seems fitting).

  2. I love that idea Steve. I would die laughing seeing Matt UVA colors. Of course your injury is possibly due to your love of VT colors so this really seems appropriate.

    Where'd you get the sushi from? So jealous...

  3. Oh and thanks for the shout out. I may not be good at motivating myself but sure do a good job of motivating others.
