Sunday, February 20, 2011


Today found me sore, pooped, and generally lazy. Somehow I motivated to the point of fertilizing my lawn along with adding a layer of lime. Following that, I slept for two hours. Now, normally, if you're going to work out, it's not recommended that you nap just prior. In fact, it comes close to guaranteeing you won't work out. This is the beauty of public accountability. Would I be required to wear UVa garb for my next photo update? Not that big of a deal. In fact, the dramatist in me relished the idea of posing for a photo wearing a UVa t-shirt over two polo shirts, both with popped collars, along side a crisp chardonnay and a wedge of parm. But I think this public deal focused me on the idea of failing to the point that it just wasn't an option. My workout sucked, I counted the minutes until completion, but it was completed.

My workout plan for this coming week is as follows:

2 gym days
1 cycle day

First to comment on this post gets to pick the photo conditions for next week should I not meet my workout goal.

Food Log:

Breakfast -
yogurt - 2
South Beach bar - 4

3 pieces thin crust pizza - 18?
1 breadstick - 4?

1 6oz filet - 8?
mashed taters - 6
asparagus w/ cheese - 1
cheese cake - 5
truffle - 1
wine - 6
whiskey - 6


30 minutes on the elliptical
chest, back, and triceps


  1. I've been sick, sorry I haven't been around. I'll defer to the next commentor as my brain is completely clogged with mucus.

  2. Score! Looks like u are wearing my pjs for the next photo! :-)

  3. Nice one, Kristy. Please tell me you sleep in a merry widow.
