Thursday, February 3, 2011

Real Food and Real Hunger

Muahahaha! I knew if I lauded one reader publicly, others might retort with comments! Had an additional blog comment today and another person tell me they're still reading. Perhaps I'll honor the most verbose commenter each week.

Stevo had an interesting idea that has me wearing different outfits for my weekly photo determined by adherence to my workout plan. If I follow the plan, I get to wear the Maroon Effect shirt. If I skip my workouts, UVa gear or bra and panties (which is worse?). Let me know how you feel about this, folks.

I met a couple buddies up at Buffalo Wild Wings for some real bar food and a couple beers. My, did it taste great. But a sampling of forbidden fruit has this sinner craving more! Came home from the bar famished! I must have eaten a pound of carrots at Rohrer Ranch.

Food Log:

turkey sausage, egg, and cheese bagel - 6

curried tuna - 6
cheezits - 4
Fiber One bar (much to the detriment of my work-suite mates) - 4


2 chicken soft tacos - 8
chips/salsa - 8
3 pints light beer - 12



  1. Yeah, this UVA alum ran 4 1/4 miles yesterday (3 plus volleyball the day before) while you were resting the foot you hurt tripping over your skirt....

    Keep up the good work

  2. Best comment thus far. I was lol'ing in my cube at work.

    You could do whoever comments the most that week and if you don't meet your workout goals gets to choose what you wear that week.

  3. Matt in UVa gear:

    3 Funny
    4 Disturbing

    Matt in women's underwear:

    6 Funny
    9 Disturbing

    From that you can make your own judgments I guess.
