Monday, January 31, 2011

Routine is Good

I find it interesting that after roughly five days of eating like my old self, it's so easy to revert back to the twig and berry diet. Perhaps I'm just eating less when I'm eating the bad stuff. Who knows/cares? What I do know is that I dropped a pound and easily ate enough to feel full, yet I didn't use my entire point allotment.

The foot, while improving, is still jacked up. I felt like Snoop Dogg this morning as I slowly bent out of my car and pimp walked to the office door at rate of just under 1/2 mph. The steroidal anti-inflammatories conjure up the Charlie Sheen in me. I don't think I slept a wink last night, and I sported the reddest face, truly lobster-red, at the office this morning.

Oh how I desperately want to weigh <217.0. Been flirting with it for a week.

Food Log:

Vita-top - 2

curried tuna - 6
baked cheetos - 5
Fiber One bar - 4

trail mix - 10

fish - 5
shrimp - 7
broccoli slaw - 1
blueberry crisp - 3


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