Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Omnipresent Hunger

I went to bed hungry last night, and when my wife got home from the D.C. Sarah McLachlan concert around 2AM, I was hungry. When I woke up I was hungry. Seems I've found a way to deal with hunger. Ignore it, or drink water.

It was nice to see a drop in weight again, and I think I owe it to the constant workouts. Because I didn't lift weights yesterday, I worked my chest and back today and was rewarded with a scrumptious dinner you'll read about below. Lean beef is the shizzle.

Pat: Let me address my Mike Leach reference. He used to coach the Texas Tech football team, and was characterized as a mad genius of sorts. He was able to take average athletes, insert them into his unorthodox offensive system, and score 40+ points a game. The thing is, he didn't fit the mold of a football coach. He never played, and if you just met him, he'd seem to fit well in a university computer lab or used car lot. Kudos to your weight loss as well, Mom.

Food log:

banana - free

Trader Joe's Curried tuna on a hamburger bun (Trader Joe's and Fiber 1 should sponsor this blog)- 11pts
pretzels - 3pts
cous cous - 6pts

Cliff Bar (sponsor?) - 7pts
1c skim milk - 3pts

7oz beef filet topped with horseradish - 11pts
asparagus w/ parmesan - 1pt
sweet potato w/ lite sour cream - 6pts


**edit** I ate some fudge: 51/49

1 comment:

  1. you are over half way to a month's goal in just one week!
