Monday, January 10, 2011

Weight Gain and Pears

Welp, I packed on the weight Sunday. It was inevitable, but I don't feel it's a setback. It's actually surprising the weight dripped off so many days in a row.

An interesting thing happened to me in the gym this evening. On the docket was 30 minutes of elliptical, chest and back. However, regardless of the Cliff Bar and Monster energy drink I consumed prior, a deafening hunger overtook me while elliptical-(ing?). In cycling parlance, it's called a "bonk". I didn't think I could finish the elliptical workout, much less pump iron. It appears as though I'm consuming just enough calories to exist in a sedentary lifestyle. The weight training was dropped, and I couldn't prepare dinner fast enough.

Just a bit about pears. Growing up, my mother fed me apples, but rarely if ever pears. Well, my cosmopolitan wife picked up a variety of pears from the local market, and one accompanied me to work. After eating that asian pear, I just felt confused. What the heck is this fruit? It's like the Mike Leach of the Pyrina sub-tribe. Gritty, somewhat sophisticated, a tad aloof, and just a bit off. It resembles an apple, but it's clearly different. I'll give them a second chance, but it's hard to top my Pink Lady, the Nick Saban of apples.

Food Log:

yogurt: 3pts
South Beach bar: 4pts

chicken burger: 5pts
pretzels: 3pts
Fiber 1 bar: 4pts

orange: free
Mike Leach: free
Cliff Bar: 7pts

chicken burger (addicted?) with guac: 7pts
sweet potato fries: 8pts
caesar salad: 2pts
2 pieces of fudge: 3pts


1 comment:

  1. You are on top of this, but...
    a bonk on the body...not good. Read your body and slow down for sustained results...of course this is from

    I do not get the metaphor of the pear and ML, help me.

    Have those chicken burgers in the freezer, did your points include a bun? Sampled them at TJs, wow taste.
