Monday, January 24, 2011

Get the Poison Out

As I was perusing my RSS feeds, I came across an interesting article that contained tips on losing weight and keeping it off. I was shocked, SHOCKED that the guy used some of the same methods as me. Tell everyone? Make it extreme? "Why, you're crazy Matt!" "How will you ever succeed?" Seems like my bulbous, sparsely haired noggin ain't just a hat rack, folks. Check it out:

So, as I mentioned in various posts last week, I missed three workouts. Two due to pure laziness, one due to frigid temperatures. It's interesting that going just a week without exercise can have a noticeable effect on appetite and overall disposition. You see, by cancelling my Sunday bike ride, I was blessed with the ability to hunker down by the fire and watch football all day. Sounds great, eh? Well, all that free time and lack of productivity produced in me a general sense of malaise. "Maybe I'll eat something. That'll make me feel good". "Maybe I'll have a nip or two of bourbon. I've got the points". Next thing you know I'm constantly hungry and feeling worthless. After exercising, endorphins just seem to fill a void. Instead of searching for a feeling within myself, I'm overcome by a sense of accomplishment and generally feel great. It's like I've leached out the poison.

So that brings me to today. I would call today a banner day in the 3 month "epic struggle to lose weight". I feel like I pigged out at lunch. Ate a mid-afternoon snack when I could have gone without, leaving a modest, but fulfilling amount of points to spend on dinner. And prior to dinner, I got the poison out. Crucial 30 minutes Monster-Energy-Drink-infused spin session on the elliptical. I followed that with a gorilla juice-head bicep and triceps workout. I must say I'm feeling glorious today. It's been about a week since I've felt this good, and it's no coincidence that's the last time I worked out.

Food Log:

yogurt - 2
South Beach bar - 4

cottage cheese - 2
Smart Ones lasagna - 7
baked Lays - 4
Fiber One bar - 4

trail mix - 10

double chix burger w/ guac - 9
sweet potato fries - 5
veggies with parmesan-artichoke dip - 2


see above

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