Saturday, January 8, 2011

Busy Day

It's late, so I'll give a bulletized list of the days events:

-moved my Mother In Law's bedroom furniture
-cycled 28 miles w/ Pops (32F, 15mph wind); barely escaped w/ my ears and toes intact 
-laughed as Pops was a victim of snot-rocket friendly fire on the aforementioned bike ride
-ate sparingly leading up to dinner
-ate a very rich dinner at Hanover Tavern; sadly, still hungry afterwards
-watched Nunsense at the Barksdale Theater in Hanover
Food Log:

banana - free

ham sandwich - 7pts
pretzels - 3pts

Pre-ride snack:
Cliff Bar - 7pts

In-ride snack:
Gu - 3pts

Post-ride snack:
4 handfuls blueberries
1 banana

2 pieces bread - 3pts
salad w/ oil and vinegar - 3pts
8oz beef filet - 12pts
sauces - 2pts
blue cheese mashed taters - 6pts
glass wine - 8pts
glass bourbon - 6pts
chocolate pecan pie - 18pts

78/59 (gave myself 10pts for the bike ride; probably conservative)

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