Sunday, January 16, 2011

What's the Best Way to Schedule Gluttony?

Well, my buddy Mark hosted for the Bears playoff game. One thing I admire about Mark is his proficiency with a meat smoker. There's a group of us that smoke meats, and it's fun to test recipes on each other. The thing about Mark is, he takes smoking to new levels. Whereas I will smoke the main course (be it ribs, pork shoulder, a turkey) and just adlib the sides, Mark does things a little differently. Take today. Our menu consisted of smoked pork spare ribs (memphis style), smoked baked beans, and smoked macaroni and cheese. If he ever felt like preparing a salad, I think he'd figure away to smoke that too.

Needless to say this is all leading up to meal that causes the Weight Watchers algorithm to spit out SYNTAX ERROR. So I knew I was going to eat some fatty food, and I was prepared to earn it with a 26 mile bike ride. Now, here's the dilemma. Does one eat this rich lunch first, then burn the calories with a late afternoon ride? Or is it a better plan to ride first, build the appetite, then indulge? The first scenario presents a risk that, with a full belly and football on the tube, the bike ride may never happen. However, the second scenario assures that your appetite will not only be stoked, but will also reach an irrational magnitude. I chose the second scenario, and it's true. I fixed one, large plate of food. It was just glorious, but it was also too much. My mind tells me to fix the same size portions I'm accustomed to eating, but my stomach has been weened off large servings. Of course I ate it all. You just don't waste food of that caliber. Felt a little guilty, though.

Note: I was glad to see a bit of weight loss. It'll be interesting to see my weight tomorrow morning after today's meals.

Food Log:

2c Cinnamon Blast Cheerios w/ skim milk: 8pts

Cliff Bar: 7pts

3 spare ribs: 24pts
1/2c beans: 5pts
1 massive cube of mac n cheese:: 14pts


Trader Joe's chicken burger: 6pts
1/2 serving quinoa: 3pts
1 serving leftover hash browns: 1pt

26.3 mile bike ride in roughly 1 hour 45 minutes: 12pts?


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