Friday, March 4, 2011


...and damn near bi-winning, friends! Check your Charlie Sheen tigers-blood quotes if this doesn't make sense.

Okay, so after totally blowing up last weekend, I've successfully lost the gained weight PLUS dropped another pound within the span of one week. Winning.

With that said, I'm still nearly 3 pounds behind schedule. There's work to do and temptations at every turn. Take today, for example. I cycled an efficient 20 miles with Pops on my day off (18.0 average) which should only help the cause. However, it's dinner and drinks that sabotage such efforts. Kristy and I had a nice dinner at a local feeding trough, and of course I ate too much. That being said, what I ate was (mostly) healthy. Check the log for details. Following that, we attempted to meet some friends at Legend to see a familiar band perform. Only, the band we expected wasn't playing, and our friends weren't present. Now, I ask you this question. Would you make the trip from north-side down past the river to Legend and leave without sampling their offerings? Let me answer that for you: NO. Not only is it insulting to the band that IS performing, but you'd also miss out on the chance to taste their casked 1/2 Brown 1/2 Golden hybrid. So I drank two beers. These are the pitfalls of the weekend. Good food and good drink.

Speaking of good drink, and specifically beer: What's cool about this blog and the associated statistics is that we're all really observing a pretty neat science experiment. Correlate the food and drink combinations to weight loss/gain Correlate the workouts to the same. Some interesting conclusions can be made. Back to beer: I've mostly stayed away from beer these last two months, savoring bourbon in its place. However, if you payed attention to last weekend's blogs, you read that I consumed more than my fair share of brew AND my weight jumped astronomically. Beer is bad....for weight loss efforts. That taught me to stick with spirits and merely celebrate 197 with beer. So, after you read my food log tonight, you can expect a substantial weight gain tomorrow.

Food Log:

2 slices of microwave pizza - 10
cheesecake - 5
snack bar - 4
(c'mon, after my low{no?} carb efforts, I was preparing for a bike ride)

peanuts - 4
turkey slices - 2

caesar side salad - 4
calamari - 8?
pork loin w/ cabbage and Israeli couscous - 12?
bourbon - 9

2 Legend beers - 10?


workout - 20 miles on the Silver Stallion (probably worth 10pts, honestly)


  1. You're getting close to 'needs a tapeworm' territory to make it. Time to kick the adonis dna in the butt and get the tigerblood flowing!!

  2. I think you should do a chart where you track points eaten, weight loss, points in beer, points in booze, and exercise. You should see how many days a week you eat less than 49 points and if those days correlate with weight loss. You may also find that 8 points of bourbon is okay but 16 isn't.
