Thursday, March 10, 2011

Leaving the Scale Behind

Kristy and I head to Atlanta tomorrow night and won't return until Monday afternoon. It will be a nice reprieve from the constant battle with the scale. I hope to eat well and walk some calories off around the city. That being said, how can I visit the Dirty South without sampling Gladys Knight's chicken 'n waffles? Wish me well, dear friends.

I blew up my no-carb diet in ecstasy-filled, refined sugar-rich dinner consisting of one of my all-time go to meals: PBJ + Ruffles + milk. Glory be. I came into this world with a PBJ in my hand, and I might just ask for one as my last meal. It seemed prudent to ween myself off the no/low-carb stuff  *prior* to travelling, you know, in case there are complications. I do expect an encouraging weigh-in tomorrow. I'll probably update the blog, but the graph will have to wait.

Adam and Sarah, I see you caught up this week. Thanks for the comments. I too think it would be interesting to augment the plot collection. We could be learning so much more. Maybe next week we can try some experiments. However, I must admit this blog is becoming a drag. Every night, typing the same trash. Incentive enough to hit my goal.

Food Log:

2 eggs - 4
3 turkey sausage links - 3

1/2 rotisserie chix - 16

dark chocolate-dusted almonds - 3
so much water

PBJ - 12
baked Ruffles - 3
2c milk - 4
snack bar - 3


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