Saturday, March 26, 2011

A New Low!

I managed to hit a 2011 low Friday morning, weighing in at 209.6. It seems that my new regimen of starvation, water deprivation, and no exercise is paying dividends. I treated myself with a Wendy's single combo with large fries. What's interesting is that it wasn't the pinnacle of indulgence. It didn't tickle that itch I've had for almost three months. Fact is, I won't be craving a burger and fries again for a while. This is positive. Now, had I cycle 30 miles, it probably would have felt different.

Kept off the weight this morning, but I found myself hungry throughout the day. Snacked a bit more than normal and indulged in a rich meals at a friend's. Most assuredly I'll see some weight gained tomorrow, but I feel like I've found some traction and I expect more results next week.

Friday Food Log:

yogurt - 2
South Beach bar - 4

single combo w/ cheese + large fries - 28

chix salad - 10
bourbon - 6


Saturday Food Log:

turkey sausage, egg sandwich - 10

turkey flat bread sandwich - ?
baked lays - 4
cheese puffs - ?
2 spoons ice cream - ?

roast beef slices - 3
baked lays - 6

chips/salsa - 4
lentil soup - 4?
chix flatbread wrap w/ Greek yogurt - ?
cookies - ?
beer - 4
rum - 3


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