Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rudder Correct

As expected, Tuesday's gluttony adversely affected Wednesday's weigh in. Thankfully, I was able to eat somewhat conservatively today and get in a nice workout. 20 miles on the Silver Stallion at 18.9mph. Nice!

I indulged at dinner and really have no idea what my tally is, but it was mostly healthy food. Check out the log.

Food Log:

yogurt - 2
South Beach bar - 4

smoked chix thigh - 4
Crackerful - 4
Fiber One bar - 4
Snack bar - 2

glazed Krispy Kreme (ooh yeah...actually disappointingly old and crusty) - 5
handful peanuts - 3

Dad's smoked chix (6oz?) - 6
corn - 4?
roll - 4?
1/4 sweet potato - 3?
salad - 2?
brownie - 6?
2c milk (1%, baby!)- 6?


I bet I earned 10ish points for my ride. Probably burned 700-1000 calories. Adam, how'd your run go?


  1. Overcooked the first two miles (shooting for a 7-min pace, I ran them in 13:30 a 6:45 pace) and then fell off a cliff in the second half. Wound up breaking it off at 3.4 miles when I wasn't positive that I was running faster than I could walk.

    So, not great. I'm going to try again tomorrow.

  2. on a totally unrelated note, was listening to Black on Both Sides today and remembering the day I bought the record... after hanging out at The Playing Field playing snooker and watching #3 die in a horrible crash on the last turn at Daytona, I went out and bought it on a whim and was listening to it in the big empty house where I was housesittng...

    Speed Laws came on and I heard the line "I'm permanent like tatoos and birthmarks, third-degree burn marks, driving on tracks like Dale Earnhardt."

    One of the creepier moments of my life. You remember that day?
