Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 1 - Humiliation, momentum, and college football

Well, my holiday vacation is over. A glorious stretch of 12 days without work, surrounded by sugary confections. I probably started my vacation at the obscene weight of 222lbs. Knowing that my work attire was already stretching at the seams, I attempted to thwart additional holiday weight gain by working out at the gym, hiking, and cycling. Heck, I might even cut a few pounds after it was all said and done.

Silly, silly, naive Me. When I weighed in this morning, I was shocked to see 227 staring me down. Changing the scale batteries didn't change that fact that I've become round. This blog is an ploy to keep me motivated over the coming weeks; to put down those gooey chocolate-caramel brownies my coworker seems to bring in monthly. As readers, I need your encouragement, your trash-talking, really any indication that I'm being monitored. I must see this through to the end. The requirement is 200lbs by April 1, but because 30 in 90 sounds better, my goal will be 197.

That brings me to this evening. Resuming work after a long hiatus simply stinks. However, it allows me to align all of my new routines, and hopefully the hardships associated with adjusting to early waking, dress clothes, commuting, dieting and exercise can be lumped together. Maybe this will lessen the magnitude of the dull ache of my empty stomach. Speaking of my empty stomach, this is what I've eaten today:

*1 serving Fiber One yogurt: 1 WW point
*1 serving almonds: 3 WW points
*1 Healthy Choice Thai surprise: 7 WW points
*1 Fiber One bar: 4 WW points
*A grapefruit

Now, I'm allowed 49 points at my weight, and that leaves 34 points for dinner. A lot, you say? Of course, the first day of my diet occurs on the same day my Virginia Tech Hokies wage turf war against the Stanford Trees. How does one watch a stressful football game without consuming a bag of chips and case of beer? I dunno, but I'm going to try.

My goal is to post a daily weight and food menu. Perhaps I'll add a weight loss graph for you stat junkies. I'll also log my exercise sessions, as I've vowed to lift weights three times a week and cycle once a week.

- Thanks for your time -


  1. Are you throwing a gauntlet down? I accept your challenge! I have to point out that my goal weight is higher than your starting weight, which is funny in and of itself. But I digress. I have never done the points thing but I do use My Fitness Pal app which is awesome for counting calories. What gym do you go to? Good Luck!

  2. Hmm, I posted a comment earlier. Maybe caught by spam filter? I'm wary of reposting the same half-witty joke and then having it show up twice is slightly different wording. That would be uber-lame.

    Suffice it to say I'm cheering you on! And wondering if I should do something about my new circumference as well...

  3. That's quite a goal. 30 in 90 has a nice ring to it. I'm rooting for you!

  4. You've got my support. I've been there - 20 in 75. Some weeks just 1 lb lost others more. I set my goal more conservatively though - 10-15 in 75. Wanted to make sure it was "achievable". Then set a variable reward - buy some new clothes (a huge motivator) if I met my goal. Buy a lot of new clothes if/when I met my ideal goal.

  5. Will new clothes motivate Matty? I say once you hit goal, roast and eat an entire pig.

  6. Way to go Matty. 2 pieces of advice...kill it in the gym. Make sure when you leave you can say you could not have worked harder. Super set your weights or do squat jumps in between sets to get that heart rate up. With this kind of goal you need more cardio than once a week. Much more. And, as a lifetime WW member (42lbs), I found it better for me to chart food dinner to dinner. So food diary should run from last night's dinner until dinner today. It is easy to blow it at dinner but even easier to make it up breakfast and lunch. Oatmeal, fruit, salad, baked potato with salsa, all easy and low points to make up for a bigger dinner. Plus it sucks if you blow it at lunch to sit at home all night long and drink water and eat celery. And in 90 days, you will blow it at lunch once or twice! Good luck! Reward yourself with a spin class for $10 at local gym...not food! Rock on

  7. I hope last night's loss didn't lead to any unnecessary binging! I know you will rock this like you've done in the past. Glad it's not a mustache/beard growing contest this year... I'll keep checking back in and hope that your story motivaes me to get up off my a$#. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

  8. The only problem with the moustache bet was that Matt always won. Good luck Matty, feel free to chart my weight with yours if you want to turn it into a friendly competition.

  9. Adam sent me over and said you wanted more readers and more support, so here I am, starting at the beginning. I am practically a professional dieter myself, after all and have lost the same 40 pounds twice, so let's just chalk that up to 80 lbs! This time I have about 20 more to go and I hope to keep it off. So we will be in miserable pride together for the next couple of months.
